相信大家對病毒式行銷的第一感覺就是—以傳播病毒而達到網路行銷目的。 其實病毒式行銷並不是傳播病毒而達到行銷目的,而是讓人們將這個信息發送給他人認識的人或者推薦他朋友,來增加企業知名度或銷售產品與服務。 這種方式可以通過E-MAIL、聊天討論、或者網路新聞或 ...

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You want to know what I know.

Over the last decade, famous people have continued to gain prominence in popular culture, and Americans love to follow their every move, be it through People or via Twitter. Now more of these stars are recognizing their degree of cultural influence and are demonstrating they have points of view and advice to share, becoming stars not just in their core discipline, but mavens across a variety of lifestyle topics from fashion to food to general living.

Beyond Oprah, Gwyneth Paltrow may have started this new trend back in 2009 with her newsletter and website, GOOP (www.goop.com). She started it because she said her friends often asked her advice for what to see and do in certain cities or at home. Her points-of-view aren't always embraced by the masses with many critics teasing her for some out-of-reach recommendations (such as $200 Orlebar Brown shorts recommended as part of the GOOP Summer Kit), yet others appreciate her advice, which ranges from things to DO, things to GET, things to MAKE, and things to BE.

Following suit, Jay-Z this year launched Life + Times (lifeandtimes.com), another lifestyle website for a completely different audience focused on topics spanning from fashion, design, sports, and music. An addition to his other business ventures, which include Rocawear and the Roc Nation label, the website acts as a personal branding tool, being positioned as his view of the world, giving viewers insight and access to what he believes is worthy of interest. Jay-Z is in the know.

Heidi Klum also entered the space this year when she announced her own dedicated channel on AOL (heidiklum.aol.com), building from the idea that people want to know her secrets. She said that, "During my 15 years in the business, I've received so many questions on a variety of topics from my favorite toothbrush to juggling family and a busy work schedule. I'm bringing in the experts that have helped me over the years to help inspire you!" Topics include Beauty, Fashion, Parenting, and Relationships.

What might this mean for marketers, especially now that Oprah is off the air? It could just be that these new cultural influencers are the ones you need to start focusing on to get endorsements to build consumer interest and drive growth.

For more Anthem Sightings, examining global trends in marketing, innovation, branding, and design, visit http://www.schawk.com/knowledge-center/white-papers

Kathy Oneto
- About the Author:

Kathy Oneto is Vice President, Brand Strategy in the San Francisco office of Anthem Worldwide, the brand development division of Schawk, Inc. Her previous positions include Co-Founder/Vice President of Marketing at Attune Foods and brand leadership roles at Clorox. http://www.anthemww.com

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這次Mm網路行銷課程完美結束,12/3號12/4號連續兩天的課程真的超精采。 在4號的那天,我不小心早點到了教室現場,所以就有學員開始問起其他問題。 其中有個學員問起部落格如何導流量!在這邊我來詳細跟你說明一下! 其實這次的課程中就已經教你最懶人的方式! BC課程中,小M ...

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在大眾的各自演繹、以及日後許多新應用陸續出現之下,所謂Web 2.0已經有許多解釋方式、也沒有絕對的定義,不過總括而言,和前一世代網站最大的差異還是不外乎「互動」、「共享」、以及「標籤」三項特色。 前一世代的商品網站內容,就像是做成網頁格式的印刷型錄,兩者 ...

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RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and is a vehicle for people interested in certain topics to quickly get new information, news and other content without having to wade through tons of web pages. RSS pages are generated in XML and are not meant for the human eye, but rather for RSS readers or aggregators.

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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
Latest 20 threads of SEO專題
Oct 29th 2011, 03:18

每次都會有朋友說,SEO怎麼做,怎麼能夠才能做好SEO? 其實站長不要把SEO想像的多難,並不是這樣,做SEO和別的行業一樣。在於發現,及和同行業中的人多溝通。 一、首頁要確定網站的目標關鍵詞,及域名。 二、網站的的相目細分,及內容的挖掘。 三、網站的空間,這個非常 ...

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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
Latest 20 threads of SEO專題
Oct 29th 2011, 03:14

  有關鏈接的話題,我們私底下都會有這樣的印象:所有有價值的鏈接都是來自於其他網站。雖然這些鏈接扮演重要的角色,但是這些都不是唯一的重要環節。   當你要開始你的鏈接工作,為什麼不停下來考慮那些最容易獲得,並且能最大限度獲得的鏈接呢?那些 ...

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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
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Oct 29th 2011, 03:16


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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
Latest 20 threads of SEO專題
Oct 29th 2011, 03:23

SEO又叫(搜索引擎優化– Search Engine Optimization)的理念逐漸被國內網站所接受, SEO行業也隨之慢慢火熱起來, 現在很多人動不動會提到SEO, 但是, SEO的最高境界, 恰恰就是不做SEO!這個說法可能會讓很多人嗤之以鼻, 但是請仔細想想, 什麼是SEO的實質? 換句 ...

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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
Latest 20 threads of SEO專題
Oct 29th 2011, 03:29

最近身邊的朋友都在討論,我的站外連一直堅持在做,為什麼不增,而且還是下降的狀況。有的站確實如此,就拿每天站長們都會抽一到二個小時做外連,就拿論壇發貼,回貼來說,我們花二個小時發,也不見得,能收錄幾個連接。有的外連,今天收錄了,明天在去查,可能又刪除了 ...

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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
Latest 20 threads of SEO專題
Oct 29th 2011, 03:19

任何一個新網站從尋找友情鏈接,查詢友情鏈接質量,做成友情鏈接的辛苦,只有大家自已心裡明白的,但最後我們還有些地方需要注意的,那就是要小心交換友情鏈接的欺騙手段,下面是一些常見的手段,站長們不要忽視掉了。 一、偷偷刪除鏈接一般就是在你做好友情鏈接後,對 ...

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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
Latest 20 threads of SEO專題
Oct 29th 2011, 03:21

做外鍊是每個站長最頭痛的事,外鏈發布的方式,主要和大家講下論壇增加外鏈的一些方法及技巧。 雖然百度對論壇外鏈進行了降權,但其優點在於以量取勝。所以還是很多SEO從業者的摯愛。辦事情要講究效率,在最短的時間內獲得更高質的外鏈,這可得講究技巧了。每 ...

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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
Latest 20 threads of SEO專題
Oct 29th 2011, 03:33

每個站長,都想自己的網站擁有一個好的排名,那麼網站排名靠什麼了,下面來和大家說說這個問題。 一:網站站內結構是否合理 採集網站的是搜索引擎機器人,也就是俗稱的蜘蛛,蜘蛛收錄網站時,都會順著某一結構往下,如果網站站內結構不合理,很可能導致蜘蛛昏頭或者累 ...

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網路行銷軍火庫 - SEO專題
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Oct 29th 2011, 03:11


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